Thursday, 11 February 2016

Science Fiction Movie Poster Analysed.


- Strapline of actors names along the top of the poster.
- 'Interstellar' title and credits pushed to bottom of the poster to not distract the eye from the main image.
- Main image from the film of M.Mcconaughey walking. 
- Very bold and eye catching.
- The simple colour of whites and greys really work strongly together give the centre figure the most room to shine. 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

- Large photo manipulated images of some of the most iconic Star Wars chatters and paying homage to the older posters. 
- Title pushed to the bottom to give more room for the main eye catching image.
- Colour of red to represent the evil. Orange / grey of Rey in the middle as the natural point and Finn with the opposing good blue. This divide gives a good sense of battle of good vs evil which is prevalent in all Star Wars films.
- This divide between Rey and Kylo Ren gives a good sense of a visual feeling almost as if they're each side of the same coin. It makes for a really strong graphic. 
- Dark base background lining to the film also gives a strong basis for the rest of the image to come to life from the nothingness. 

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