Wednesday 4 March 2015

Graphics: Type

Following my new brief I had a morning session focusing on typography looking at the different forms of type and font. Using different techniques to change these types such as the leading, tracking, kerning.
Leading - Being the line space between words.
Tracking - The space between letters / characters.
Kerning - The space in-between an individual letter or character.

As well as looking at these I went back to the very basics and looked at type families and what makes up different types. Such as Serif, San-Serif and Script. This is something I didn't previously know and found it very interesting. I learnt that Serif is the part of text/type which is the little line or stroke that comes off the lettering. Along with this San-Serif  (San in french meaning without) so A san-serif  being a type without these little extra flicks and detail to the type. The most simple of all being script which is very much what you would expect. Hand drawn or script style type/text.

After going over all this I was set the task of working on 4 different types for fictional companies, businesses or people. As seen below:

The first of which being 'Williams & Oakes Solicitors' For this I wanted to use a more formal type of type and went with a Serif since they give of that more regal finish which fits the subject given. I chose the font 'Century School Book' and changed the tracking to bring the lettering a little closer together to give it a more rounded finish and a formal finish I was looking for.
The next subject was 'FreeBird Trainers for Girls' Since this was given the pretext of being aimed at teen girls. I wanted something that was less formal and more modern so I went with San-Serif and using a two tone colour palette to gives off a more targeted feel. I also changed up the font size and tracking to help make the name more eye catching.
Next was CoCo the Clown with this one the font doesn't matter to much as its more about drawing attention as its aimed at younger kids. As of this I went for a simple easy to read script but focused on using a wide colour range. The colour range isn't the best but the eye catching aspect is there.
Lastly is Voodoo Tattoo Parlour. For this I went with the traditional tattoo route of script as most tattoos relating to text are done in this manner and so its very fitting. Unlike CoCo the clown I went for something which was abit more fancy to help distinguish the two apart.

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