Saturday 11 October 2014

Fashion Illustrations Developed

Having tried my hand at fashion sketches  I wanted to take my Ideas a little further along the route of fashion Illustrations, primarily down a digital aspect. So to start off I found a free image online and imported it into Photoshop and went to work adding in one of my prints which I photographed from my print work. From this point it was very much a lot of careful use of the lasso tool to select around the suit my male figure was wearing, after that inverting the selection and deleting away the excess from my printed images. I did this with 2 different prints which can be seen below.

After completing these 2 styles, which I really liked the way they turned out. I decided I should take it one step further and instead of using 1 pattern. I decided on using 3 different patterns together. One for the jacket, one for the pants and one for the tie. So i set out to work in the same manner as the first two, lasso the sections I wanted to have the pattern then inverting and deleting the excess. Until I had a fine piece I really liked.

Unlike with the first two I feel this one looks a lot more complete for a fashion Illustration. As the different patterns for each section of clothing really helps pull the whole thing together. But as well as that I add subtle gradients to each piece of clothing the give the cut prints there own unique light source. As in the original photo I had the light source was coming from the bottom right so for the jacket i did the same thing, arching the light from the bottom right of the jacket, and then darkening on the top left to help bring back the original lighting in the photo. For the pants I did the same but I also added a 2nd layer in the top half of the pants to give a shadow effect from the jacket being over the top of them. Lastly for the tie I just added a single from top to bottom gradient, the top being the darker as when comparing it to the bottom right original light source it stood out more from jacket so I went with that.
Overall I am really happy with the way this piece turned out, as I really enjoying working in Photoshop. Even more so when I get to incorporate original techniques such as the hand made prints from a handmade print block and get to manipulate them further in a program like Photoshop. This is something I love to do and plan to take the print method I learnt here further in some of my future work.

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