Saturday 20 September 2014

Creative Typography - Part One

I really enjoy working on computers i like the amount of freedom programs such as photoshop give you to be creative through a multitude of different means. In my graphics class we are creating creative typography via experimenting with a variety of graphics and photographic techniques to produce a series of creative typography images, firstly consisting of individual letter forms and/or words based loosely around cliches.
So first things first after a brief introduction i was set loose in the college to collect images of A-Z letters forms within the environment.

[Above 4 shots of Letters C, T, P & O] - Next week we're compiling all letters a-z onto a single layer in photoshop and all the images will be shown in that post [Link Coming here soon]

At first i found this rather difficult as i just kept seeing actual letters on signs and the walls around college buts once i let my mind free a little bit i found it easier to spot letters being formed in everyday objects whether that being an 'A' as a bike rake, an 'O' in a light or even as seen above a 'P' formed from the hose on a fire extinguisher. I really enjoy having the freedom taking my own photos gives and coupling that with photoshops the possibilities to creative great works is endless.
My favourite photo i took was without a doubt the 'O' and without any editing i feel the photo in its self has some really strong composition. [All photos shown about are straight out of the camera no editing]

The next step was to import these photos into photoshop and start manipulating with different filters, colour effects, blurs etc. One of the main points we aimed for was that the images didn't have to keep there original letter forms in turn creating something completely new, even a new language if you will.
Below are the Manipulations for my letter 'C' and 'O'

 Filter: Glowing Edges then hue change.
Threshold Change.
Filter: Cutout and a purple hue shift.
 Filter: Dry Brush and an Aqua hue shift.
 Threshold Change.
Filter: Cutout - Aqua hue shift.

After A LOT of changing my mind with different filters and trying to find one i liked i created an array of different letter forms from my originals photos. With each letter i made 3 different types of creations the first being a threshold change so i had a black and white A-Z with varying types of legibility. The 2nd was to apply a cutout filter to each letter and create a very abstract sort of piece giving each an unique colour and finally the third was very much just a filter i felt looked good on the photo and i added different colours to each to try and give them a very neon feel.
With 'O' being my favourite photo i had taken i didn't really want to edit the photo at all in 3 different types and just to leave it on its own as i feel the photo is very strong as it was. But once i added a cutout filter to it i was very much surprised at how much i loved how simplistic the new 'O' shape was while staying true to the original photo but being ever so interesting. I feel i have very strong photography skills but something about taking a real life object such as a ceiling light and turning it into a very abstract piece without really meaning to have it turn out as such made me very excited to carry on developing ideas in photoshop.

Part Two - Click to see final A - Z pieces and original photos.

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